




该鸟名叫Sincorá Antwren Formicivora grantsaui。关于该鸟的报道发表在《动物分类学》(Zootaxa)上。此鸟种只分布在Chapada Diamantina地区Serra do Sincorá海拔850-1100米的campo rupestre植被区。

该鸟在1997年被首次发现,和Rusty-backed Antwren Formicivora rufa比较接近,两种鸟的分布区有重叠。两种鸟羽色上有细微差别,但主要的区别特征是鸣声和生境不同。如果这个发现一旦确认,将为研究者可以通过生境和鸣声来确定鸟种提供佐证。

A possible new species of antwren from Bahia, Brazil has recently been described in the journal Zootaxa. Sincorá Antwren Formicivora grantsaui is found only in the campo rupestre vegetation of the Serra do Sincorá between 850 m and 1,100 m in the Chapada Diamantina region. This is an important area that holds other restricted range species such as Grey-backed Tachuri Polystictus superciliaris and Pale-throated Pampa-finch Embernagra longicauda. First observed in 1997, it is closely related to Rusty-backed Antwren Formicivora rufa, with which it sometimes occurs sympatrically. It differs slightly in some plumage characters but more importantly it has quite distinctive vocalisations and each species utilises different habitats. Formicivora grantsaui occurs on rocky outcrops in the campo rupestre and F. rufa in the adjacent savannas. If confirmed, this discovery highlights the importance of researchers using vocalisations and habitat preference in identifying distinct species.

"This is potentially another new species for Brazil. Once confirmed, it is vital that we assess its conservation status and any potential threats. It would be sadly ironic if, as soon as it was discovered, Sincorá Antwren became threatened with extinction," says Dr Stuart Butchart, BirdLife's Global Species Programme Coordinator.

This taxa will be assessed in due course by the South American Classification Committee of the AOU (BirdLife’s taxonomic source for South America). If recognised as a valid species by SACC, BirdLife will then evaluate its extinction risk category for the IUCN Red List (for which BirdLife is the official Red List Authority).

LUIZ PEDREIRA GONZAGA, ANDRÉ M. P. CARVALHAES & DANTE R. C. BUZZETTI. 2007. A new species of Formicivora antwren from the Chapada Diamantina, eastern Brazil (Aves: Passeriformes: Thamnophilidae). Zootaxa 1473: 25–44



