



Ngiri-Tumba-Maindombe. 24/07/08; Equateur, Bandundu; 6,569,624 ha; 01ツー30窶儡 017ツー30窶僞 . Nature Reserve. Located in the transboundary area of Lake T辿l辿 and Lake Tumba, the site contains the largest continental freshwater mass in Africa, making it one of the most important wetlands in Africa and one of the most important freshwater masses in the world. As a result of its position in the heart of the Congo basin system, the area contains several rivers and nine lakes that support a diverse range of biodiversity and resources that support the wider populations of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the neighboring countries, including the adjacent Grands affluents Ramsar site in Congo. Within the site buffalo, various species of monkeys, forest elephant (Loxodonta africana cyclotis), and leopards amongst many others are found. This area is known to support waterbirds whose distributions are wholly or mostly spread among the confines of the biome of the Guinea-Congo forests. Activities such as agriculture, fishing, hunting, and collection of non-wood forest products make up a large part of income generation for the communities dependent on the site. Within the site two reserves are found, Lac Tumba-Ledira and Ngiri; where research and various awareness raising activities are carried out. Ramsar site no. 1784. Most recent RIS information: 2009.


Ganghwa Maehwamarum Habitat (1 hectare, 37ツー38窶儂 126ツー32窶僞) in the Incheon Metropolitan City district is a human-made rice paddy wetland near the city of Incheon that was purchased by the Korea National Trust Foundation chiefly for its importance as habitat for the herbaceous water plant Maehwamareum (Ranunculus kazusensis makino), once common throughout the country but now considered to be endangered and found in only 30 places nationally. Because of eco-friendly rice farming at the site, it also functions as a refuge for aquatic plants and insects and benthic invertebrates and fish, which become food sources for migratory birds. The site is also used for educational purposes, and an educational centre is in preparation. With a real area of 0.3015 hectares (rounded up to 1 ha.), this is the smallest Ramsar site at the time of designation (previously the smallest was Australia's Hosnie's Spring on Christmas Island, 0.33 hectares).

張嘉穎 2009-5-7 09:47

有趣~~ :54bd3bbb

风入松 2009-5-7 11:13


Simba 2009-5-7 12:55


是菲律宾的Camp O'Donnel一片10米x20米的,主要是因为它是一种秧鸡Brown-banded Rail的分布地。要是这块地被列为拉姆萨尔重要(它够条件的),就打破“最小”的纪录,只有200平米,比大一点的住宅单位大不了多少。

Simba 2009-5-7 13:59

[quote]原帖由 风入松 于 2009-5-7 11:13 发表 [url=http://www.chinabirdnet.org/BBS/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=7833&ptid=1266]拉姆萨尔国际重要湿地   最大和最小的记录都在最近刷新[/url]

中国最小的国家级自然保护区好像是深圳的红树林那个。 [/quote]



