





A paper in Science reveals that the country’s plan to develop a small-scale trawler fishery for the “under-exploited” anchovy includes no mechanism to quantify the impact on wildlife.

“Rising global demand for fish meal could fuel unsustainable anchovy fishery expansion on the Patagonian coast”, the paper’s authors warn. They say anchovy populations are naturally variable, and long-lived predators like penguins, sea-elephants and sea-lions can ride over the scarce years -“as long as good years follow bad”.

“Before any further expansion and investment takes place, the costs to other fisheries, risks to wildlife and ecotourism, and food web interactions need to be determined,” the authors of the Science paper conclude. They add that to make informed decisions about the future management of the fishery, research into ecosystems and indicator species like the penguins is needed.

You can download the article, titled 'Peru's marine life losing out to fishfarms', from the September 2006 edition of this award-winning magazine by clicking here.

Simba 2007-1-9 15:20


